Year 6 visited the Natural History Museum to support the science topic Evolution. Pupils were excellent independent researchers and on this trip, they even met Alfred Wallace – the biologist – who explained how he pieced together the theory of evolution.
“The Natural History Museum trip immersed us in information and gave us a chance to have hands-on engagement with our Evolution topic. We all left with new and deeper knowledge.” “The trip was full of information and fun. I enjoyed learning about the history of our planet and its inhabitants.” Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 were involved in a two-day Computer Science workshop ‘Conducting Music’ run by Thames Music. Using a Micro:bit and LED’s pupils coded to make music.
Some pupils in Year 6 quoted:
This trip was a great opportunity to tick some cross curricular boxes. Pupils were able to explore the impact of the Industrial Revolution; how interior design developed and the Social Movement of Britain, in the Victorian era. They also attended a workshop in which they were able to learn about the printing process Morris used and create their own versions too. In class, they went onto create their own William Morris inspired wallpaper.
In D.T, Year 6 used saws, clamps and wood to create mitred cornered frames for their William Morris prints. Pupils were thrilled at experiencing woodwork in their lessons. “I have never picked up a saw before and can’t wait to present my mum with this gift” “William Morris was very unique when it comes to art and drawing, especially the long process he went on to create new and exciting colours. As a class, we were amazed by how beautiful his drawings were.” “A trip I will remember for years to come. I discovered William Morris and I have one thing in common, we love art! Every inch of his grand house is adorned with his beautiful pieces of art and many accomplishments.” |
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