NewslettersPaper copies of newsletters can be obtained from the school office.
LeafletsRec to Year 6 - Nasal Flu Vaccination
Tower Hamlets Vaccination UK will visit school on Wednesday 2nd October to offer pupils from Reception to Year 6 a Nasal Flu Vaccination. Please read following document and complete online form giving consent. Even if you do not wish for your child to have the vaccine, please complete the online form so that your wishes are recorded. UK Vaccination consent form Book Fair
The Book Fair will be held in school from Thursday 26th September until Wednesday 2nd October. For details of book on offer Payments can only be made in cash or by using the QR code on display at school. Healthy Early Years London
Sep 2024 Parent & Staff Health Concerns During the current cost-of-living crisis and following on the Covid pandemic, many more staff and parents are struggling with financial and health concerns. Close gap There is so much help, support and guidance in Tower Hamlets covering a variety of subjects. Here are some links for you to share with your parents and staff.
Summer activities
Tower Hamlets Family Hub and Children & Family Centre are holding Summer Activities from 22nd July to 30th August across different parts of the borough. Please see below for more details.
Easter Events
LBTH Cycling events