Attendance and Holidays
The school works with Tower Hamlets Local Authority regarding pupil absence. Please click here to visit the Tower Hamlets Education Attendance and Welfare section.
Governors' Policy on Holidays and Leave in Term Time
Parents are expected to arrange holidays during school holiday periods when children can enjoy them without their education being disrupted. The Tower Hamlets policy is that holidays in term time should not be agreed.
Other Reasons
Requests for leave in term time for other reasons should only be agreed in exceptional circumstances for the shortest possible period. The governing body has authorised the Headteacher to act on its behalf. The governors also expect applications for leave in term time other than for holidays to be refused. In exceptional circumstances discretion may be appropriate, although this will very rarely happen and no more than 10 days will normally be agreed.
Parents must complete a form available from the school at least 10 days in advance. They should provide supporting evidence of the exceptional circumstances and why the leave must be taken in term time instead of in the school holidays. All applications will be considered carefully, including how the pupil’s educational progress could be affected. Where the request for leave involves travelling abroad parents are asked to produce the return tickets before leave is approved.
Losing the school place
If you take your child/children on holiday during term time you risk losing your child/children’s place at English Martyrs School. Parents will then have to re-apply for admission when they return but it may not be possible for the pupil to return to this school.
Download the Governors' Policy on Holidays and Leave in Term Time below
Other Reasons
Requests for leave in term time for other reasons should only be agreed in exceptional circumstances for the shortest possible period. The governing body has authorised the Headteacher to act on its behalf. The governors also expect applications for leave in term time other than for holidays to be refused. In exceptional circumstances discretion may be appropriate, although this will very rarely happen and no more than 10 days will normally be agreed.
Parents must complete a form available from the school at least 10 days in advance. They should provide supporting evidence of the exceptional circumstances and why the leave must be taken in term time instead of in the school holidays. All applications will be considered carefully, including how the pupil’s educational progress could be affected. Where the request for leave involves travelling abroad parents are asked to produce the return tickets before leave is approved.
Losing the school place
If you take your child/children on holiday during term time you risk losing your child/children’s place at English Martyrs School. Parents will then have to re-apply for admission when they return but it may not be possible for the pupil to return to this school.
Download the Governors' Policy on Holidays and Leave in Term Time below
Holidays & Leave in Term Time.pdf |