Our Curriculum
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in Nursery and Reception.
- We follow the National Curriculum in Key Stages 1 and 2.
- In RE we are guided by the Religious Education Curriculum Directory for Catholic schools and use 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' scheme of work.
Our curriculum includes the experiences and activities we provide to educate the whole child. It is designed to develop enjoyment of and commitment to learning as a means of encouraging the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all pupils. It aims to develop pupils’ sense of identity through knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural heritages of our diverse society; to enable them to think creatively and critically, to solve problems and to grow into responsible citizens.
Religious Education |
The Religious Education programme includes Diocesan plans and the scheme - The Way, the Truth & the Life. All lessons aim to cover the 4 areas of the Curriculum Directory which are:
The time allocated to the teaching of Religious Education is 10 percent of the total curriculum time. Staff are supported by training opportunities provided by our school advisor from the Diocese of Westminster to develop their knowledge and understanding of Religious Education. Spirituality is developed through prayer, collective worship and celebration of Mass. The Wednesday Word is our way of Sharing Sunday’s Gospel with parents and families of our pupils. Parents are invited to attend all celebrations and services and share in the various religious experiences provided for children and families by the school. Two weeks of the year are dedicated to the teaching of Judaism and Islam and other faiths are taught at appropriate festival occasions. Our aim within this context is that all members of the school community show respect for each other and our wider communities. |
EnglishMrs Moore – English Subject Leader
In English Martyrs School we aim to create an environment where children are enabled to communicate confidently and effectively in all aspects of language; reading, writing, speaking and listening. These skills are taught and developed in their own right and through cross curricular links. Our aim is for every child to gain a love of the world of literature and communication. We have an excellent school library containing a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. In addition, each classroom has its own book area. Our aim is that every child will leave our school having developed a love of books and reading. Reading for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Powerpoint
Mrs Pasha – Mathematics Subject Leader
Pupils are taught a range of strategies for mental and written calculations to enable them to become numerate. Parents are invited to attend Mathematics workshops and are provided with materials and guidance to support their children’s learning. We consistently achieve above the national average in our mathematics results. Our school invests in the online resources 'Mathletics' which is a fun and interactive site designed to enjoy and encourage progress in maths. |
Science |
Mrs Moore – Science Subject Leader
We aim to develop an investigative approach to Science. Children make sense of their environment using the school grounds to increase their knowledge, understanding and respect for the natural world. They learn through asking questions and planning ways in which to find answers. This enables the children’s natural curiosities to develop into real scientific thinking. In this way they can build up a body of knowledge that not only supports their future learning, but also helps them to appreciate the world around them. We hold an annual Maths & Science week to inspire our Mathematicians and Scientists of the future. |
Mrs Pannell – Computing Subject Leader
The National Curriculum recognises that ‘Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems’. Pupils will be taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. We will ensure pupils become digitally literate and that they are able to ‘use, express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology’. The National Curriculum for Computing in Key Stage 1 and 2 aims to ensure that all pupils:
Art and DesignWe believe that art encourages independent thought and helps children to communicate their feelings about their world in which they live.
We provide children with the opportunities and experiences to develop their creative and artistic skills by using a variety of resources, developing different techniques and skills, helping the child enjoy the process and admire the end product. Art is taught discretely but is also linked to other subjects. Children enjoy and appreciate the work of famous artists by visiting local and national galleries. |
Design and Technology
Mrs Moore – Design and Technology Subject Leader
Children are encouraged to work with a variety of materials to design, make and evaluate products. They are encouraged to use skills and techniques appropriate to the task. Children develop knowledge and understanding of different types of mechanisms, health and safety issues and develop communications skills through collaborative work. |
Mrs Simon – Music Teacher
Our aim is to make our music curriculum a social, joyful and spiritual experience for all children. The music curriculum is taught to all age groups by specialist music teachers. Children are encouraged to understand, listen, compose, discuss and create music through singing and through playing a range of musical instruments. Year 4 children participate in the ‘Strings Project’ which gives them the opportunity to learn to play the violin or cello. Pupils who show a particular talent for violin or cello may be selected to receive additional tuition the following year and may be invited to join the School Orchestra. |
Children are encouraged to participate in role play and drama through class presentations and assemblies. Plays and concerts are presented at Christmas and Easter. Parents are invited to attend all events.
Theatre groups regularly perform in school and class outings are arranged to local and West End theatres to enable children to appreciate and experience the Arts. Every year Pricewaterhouse Cooper invite the Year 3 class to watch their pantomime at the Peacock Theatre. |
Modern Foreign Language
Spanish is taught to Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 every Wednesday morning by Ms Carmen Muros.
History and Geography
History and Geography are taught in themed units and cross curricular links which allow children the opportunity to develop the skills and ideas needed to retrieve and understand information from books, ICT, pictures, people and places.
By using a variety of resources including children’s direct experiences we hope they begin to understand how people live around the world and have lived in the past. Our aim is for children to develop self-awareness and learn how they can make a positive contribution to our local community and the world around them. The school subscribes to Digimap, an online mapping tool. |
Physical EducationMrs Paterson - PE Subject Leader
In English Martyrs School children are provided with an environment that allows them to participate in a range of activities that will benefit their physical wellbeing. Specialist teachers provide a variety of sports during P.E. lessons and a range of after school coaching sessions. Children develop an appreciation of the benefits of cooperation and teamwork, and come to understand the advantages of exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle. Children are encouraged to participate in a range of sports activities during playtimes to further develop PE skills. All classes participate in the Daily Mile, an initiative to develop stamina and fitness in pupils. |
RHSE - Relationship, Health and Sex Education
The DfE guidance (2019) states that today’s children are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities but also challenges and risks. Particular messages communicated through the media can present images contrary to the positive values held by the Catholic Church. Students need to be able to critique these for their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. Thus, in this environment, children need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
Following the guidance from the teaching document “Learning to Love” the Bishops state the content of RHSE must express the teaching of the Catholic Church and should be delivered to suit the age of the children to whom it is addressed. This policy recognises the legislative duty of the Governing Body to ensure that RHSE is taught in school but also that it must be taught within the context of the Catholic faith and the Gospel values.
Parents have ben consulted and have approved our RHSE programme 'Life to the Full' which is produced by the Catholic education organisation, Ten Ten Resources. Life to the Full is a partnership between school, home and Church and parents are provided with a link to the online parent platform to share your children's learning.
Following the guidance from the teaching document “Learning to Love” the Bishops state the content of RHSE must express the teaching of the Catholic Church and should be delivered to suit the age of the children to whom it is addressed. This policy recognises the legislative duty of the Governing Body to ensure that RHSE is taught in school but also that it must be taught within the context of the Catholic faith and the Gospel values.
Parents have ben consulted and have approved our RHSE programme 'Life to the Full' which is produced by the Catholic education organisation, Ten Ten Resources. Life to the Full is a partnership between school, home and Church and parents are provided with a link to the online parent platform to share your children's learning.
Inclusive Education
Mrs Pannell - SENDCO
We are committed to the provision of specialist support for children with special needs. Mrs Pannell reviews the provision termly for all pupils with special educational needs or disabilities. They are supported by Miss Freeman, Mrs De la Cruz and Miss Hancock who work directly with pupils with additional needs.
Children who do not speak English as their first language receive extra help from Miss Hancock our English Additional Language co-ordinator and part time specialist teacher. The EAL team provide language and other curriculum support for parents and pupils so that pupils' English language skills allow them full access to the curriculum throughout KS1 and KS2.
Parents are always consulted if their child requires support or a referral to the Educational Psychologist or School Learning Mentor. The school buys in the Speech and Language service from BARTS Health.
We are committed to the provision of specialist support for children with special needs. Mrs Pannell reviews the provision termly for all pupils with special educational needs or disabilities. They are supported by Miss Freeman, Mrs De la Cruz and Miss Hancock who work directly with pupils with additional needs.
Children who do not speak English as their first language receive extra help from Miss Hancock our English Additional Language co-ordinator and part time specialist teacher. The EAL team provide language and other curriculum support for parents and pupils so that pupils' English language skills allow them full access to the curriculum throughout KS1 and KS2.
Parents are always consulted if their child requires support or a referral to the Educational Psychologist or School Learning Mentor. The school buys in the Speech and Language service from BARTS Health.