During our Religious Education lessons, we continued to learn about Angel Gabriel visiting Mary, using our creative and cutting skills to make Mary and Angel Gabriel out of different materials and have completed our RE display.
We have continued to work on our rhyming skills during our Letters and Sounds sessions. We looked at what rhymes with cat, pen, dog, pig and ten. Ask your child what words they can think of that rhyme with these words.
The children’s special interest this week was having a birthday party. We have been very busy planning, writing invitations for our friends and lists of party food.
This week in Nursery we have been learning about Annunciation. We listened to a story and learnt a new song called ‘An angel came from heaven”. We then dressed up as Mary and Angel Gabriel and acted out the song. After reading ‘Gruffalo’s child’ by Julia Donaldson, the children were very excited to make a new display. In Religious Education we have learnt how to help our family by role playing ‘taking care of a baby’. We did the rainbow experiment using smarties and observed how colours mix and form a beautiful rainbow.
This week we celebrated Diwali and made a Diwali display. We also made fantastic presents for our friends using variety of recycling materials.
In Nursery this week we have had lots of different exciting activities. We have been concentrating on ‘Road Safety’ and have been outside in the playground riding our scooters safely and practising crossing the road on the zebra crossing. We have also made poppies for Remembrance Day and had a variety of fun math's activities around the classroom to celebrate Maths week. Our reading area has also been updated. We have had a great time learning about the Gruffalo story. We loved making our new Role Play area. Look at our fantastic work.