Mrs Moore – English Subject Leader
In English Martyrs School we aim to create an environment where children are enabled to communicate confidently and effectively in all aspects of language; reading, writing, speaking and listening. These skills are taught and developed in their own right and through cross curricular links. Our aim is for every child to gain a love of the world of literature and communication. We have an excellent school library containing a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. In addition, each classroom has its own book area. Our aim is that every child will leave our school having developed a love of books and reading. |
Intent‘English should be untethered and encouraged to roam around the school’ (Ruth Baker –Leask) English is at the centre of our teaching and learning and is essential to every aspect of the curriculum and school life. Language and the spoken word – We aim to provide a language rich curriculum – centred on vocabulary development, oracy and reading. We want our children to be able to express themselves through speech and written word ensuring they have the tools to enable them to fulfil their potential throughout their lives. Our children communicate through speaking and listening, reading and writing. The quality and variety of spoken language underpins the development of vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing. Reading ‘A child who reads will be an adult who thinks.’ (Unknown) At English Martyrs we aim to develop a love of reading in every child so that they are lifelong learners, critical thinkers and have a better understanding of the world, people and cultures. |
English Martyrs Catholic Primary School, St Mark Street, London. E1 8DJ
Tel. 020 7709 0182 |